Saturday, December 22, 2012

Chickens: Day 91/365

We slept over at a farm last night and there were chickens so I used them!

Mr. Me

Silhouette: Day 92/365

Another random photo!

Mr. Me

Spotlight: Day 74/365

Spotlight? It is a bit random yes, but I like it! This was taken on the day!

Mr. Me

Finished! Day 73/365

I took this after an awesome Frisbee Hat Tournament! I was completely finished! Thanks Vaughn!

Mr. Me

No/Movemeber: Day 72/365

So at the end of Movember my dad had a mustache but I didn't...not that I expected one!

Mr. Me

Japanese: Day 71/365

Carolynn bought these Japanese lantern things and I thought they were cute so I used them for a photo! This was taken on the day!

Mr. Me

Street: Day 63/365

I did take this on day 63 I just didn't get a chance to upload it!

Mr. Me

City Lights: Day 55/365

For greater things have yet to come,
And greater things are still do be done in this City,
Greater things have yet to come,
And greater things are still to be done in this City. 

Mt. Me

Tree... Day 44/365

So I had to catch up like I said I would! Here is day 44.

Mr. Me

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Untitled: Day 90/365

Sorry another random photo!

Mr. Me

Lines: Day 88/365

I saw this light in my bedroom, and I thought it was cool so I used it for a photo!

Lights: Day 97/365

Another light photo! Thanks Vaughn for helping me!

Mr. Me

Untitled: Day 86/365

This was taken at the Mandela Capture Site, I just thought it was hectic composition so I took my photo!

Mr. Me

Mirror: Day 85/365

Just a random photo on our way out! 

Mr. Me

Wash me clean: Day 84/365

Have mercy on me. O God, according to your unfailing love; according to you great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my. Psalms 51:1-2

Mr. Me