Saturday, October 13, 2012

Life? Day 27/365

Life can be rather confusing at times. Why did that have to happen? Why didn't that happen? But wait, why are we trying to figure all that out? I don't think you will get life right without the proper "technique". And you get that technique from someone who knows how life works.. Where do you get your guidance from?

Mr. Me

Friday, October 12, 2012

Shining? Day 26/365

In him was life, and that life was the light of mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome. John 1:4-5. Are you a light that shines in your darkness?

Mr. Me

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Proud to be a South African: Day 25/265

I am not that happy with how this photo turned out! We went to apply for my I.D.and a new Passport today. I mus say was very impressed with the friendly service which you don't usually expect from a government department. And I couldn't help but be amazed that some things are getting better. Even if this country is in a bit of a shambles I am still proud to be a South African

Mr. Me

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Turn back: Day 24/365

"All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one." Romans 3:12. Today I had this verse on my heart. I looked at it a bit differently from how I usually look at it however. Doing good isn't just giving that hungry man a sandwich or planting that tree to reduce your carbon footprint. It is changing the way you live and focusing on God. How I see it is that God had one Son and he enjoyed him so much that he said, "Let me make a bigger family." Now I think we have been pretty disappointing children, hey?

Mr. Me
12 Psalms 14:1-3;53:1-3; Eccles.7:20

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reflect: Day 23/365

Take a time to look back on your life. Think about the good, think about the bad. But instead of feeling bad about the bad think about how you could stop it happening again so that you can have more of the good!

Mr. Me

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tired: Day 22/365

I am so tired now! Had a week of late nights last week and then we had a barn dance on Saturday night/Sunday morning. I ended up going to bed late on Sunday because I was talking to Carolynn, and then to top it off we went to Durban today! So here it is:

Mr. Me

Sunday, October 7, 2012

When Life Throws you Lemons: Day 21/365

Here's another fun one for you! "When life gives you lemonsmake lemonade" - Dale Carnegie 

Mr. Me

Wildest Cowboys in the west: Day 20/365

Yesterday we had a barn dance to celebrate Marcel's 21st birthday. We had so much fun, but hey what can you expect with such an awesome group of people? Keep it up Marcel, you are an awesome person and a great example to us younger folk.

Mr. me

PS. This is yesterdays picture! I just didn't put it up yesterday!